kSDR: 27+28/3

Via Wessex  Twente is now or off or something happened


11520 Erdogan against the gel 1655 with -65dbm  with its typical march songs there is a  wandering hum heard in both sidebands 1718  heard short address from an Turkish official
11510 RFA in Korean 1658 with -55 dbm max  with talks bandwidth around 2×10 kHz 

Kim Il-sung once raised his finger.

Speaker 1: That is why Kim Il-sung’s absurd dismissal record, which is said to have been used as an emergency measure to respond to his young age by appearing in the dismissal record of a fake organization called the Electronically-led ROK Army Soldier Industrial Complex Corporation, is why China Let’s let go of fake history and be criticized for controlling it. Until now, it was Kim Ki-won, a defector.

Speaker 2: Regret заключ Cleaning Hello everyone, this is Suhyun Park from the 2-hour talk about Aunt Cheongjin’s life in South Korea. In North Korea, a woman who worked at a university publishing company is a nurse in South Korea, taking care of people’s lives. Today, more than 10 years have passed since we settled in South Korea. Let’s hear about Sunhee Lee’s close relationship with her academic life in South Korea. Hello Sunhee Lee. hello. Yes, what story are you going to tell us today? Oh, this time. Thais come to South Korea and (soff )

5800  pirate 1825  with house /trance music and -75 dbm preferred  to listen to Wessex  for the ID Signed off 1838 with noID
5780  Russian? pirate 1836 with USB  ad 075dbm  with song  this is possibly loop music as others in HF underground noted a song called ‘ ya Russki  (in Russian ) by singer Shaman  , in concert
4625 buzzer still in the freq -90 in Wessex (also -75 in Canaries )

Via Furete ventura  Canaries 5800

6050  Xizang RTV 1733 with ice Chinese soft music
7245   with afro music 1734 possibly CRI in Swahili that time towards E Africa Downwards on 1742  ther eis some music close to Malaysian sounding  …. (Tajikistan )
5995  nothing this time from Mali 1742  ON 18z with only hammer noise but I thionk  mali is also heard very poor
6015 PBC Hamminjok // a  SDR in HK  with Korean song 1816 talks -70dbm  
5925  IRIB  with no modulation on 1827 !  Albanian is the program of hat time  -40 dbm.. 
6050  ELWA with program in unknown lang with talks between  man and woman . song mixed under these talks 1..000 possibly sudden s off 1853

Trying to listen to Ethiopia 27-3
6090  only BBC head in Farsi  instead of Amhara  tasking on Tal?ban’s … Are they off??  (compare with  TWR CYp kSDR )
6110  neither Fana on 1750   Signal only from Tibetan RTV with typical music (x-check with Cyprus ) pass the TOH with music …
7110 no Ethiopia in any kSDR  they are supposed to be 16-18 Just noise otherwise or QMR from radio operators
6030  poss Oromiya  1758  and back 1703 but audio is too low  to be understood  -53 dbm in canaries just discernible talks, 

5995  No MALI on 0556
6000 RHC ? 0558  with news in English , Ghaza mentioned on 0557 UD on 055820  piano music on 0559 and a noiose jammer on 5998  -55dbm
6030 R Marti . ID 060050 “radio Marti presenta “ -55dbm
6050 food no signal from WLWA on 0600  Reduced program?
9700  mixed Cuban  spy station with  digital and female voice and VoT in tukrish -50
9665 V missionaries,  with adverts jingle on 0609:45  a song in English “I need a miracle “! -70dbm . the referred signals are from the peaks in the spectran as the S meter shows 10-15db higher values  

5780  Russian? pirate 1836 with USB  ad 075dbm  with song  this is possibly loop music as others in HF underground noted a song called ‘ ya Russki  (in Russian ) by shaman  , in concert
4625 buzzer still in the freq -90 in Wessex (also -75 in Canaries )

Via Furete ventura  Canaries 5800

6050  Xizang RTV 1733 with ice Chinese soft music
7245   with afro music 1734 possibly CRI in Swahili that time towards E Africa Downwards on 1742  ther eis some music close to Malaysian sounding  …. (Tajikistan )
5995  nothing this time from Mali 1742  ON 18z with only hammer noise but I thionk  mali is also heard very poor
6015 PBC Hamminjok // a  SDR in HK  with Korean song 1816 talks -70dbm  
5925  IRIB  with no modulation on 1827 !  Albanian is the program of hat time  -40 dbm.. 
6050  ELWA with program in unknown lang with talks between  man and woman . song mixed under these talks 1..000 possibly sudden s off 1853

Trying to listen to Ethiopia 27-3
6090  only BBC head in Farsi  instead of Amhara  tasking on Tal?ban’s … Are they off??  (compare with  TWR CYp kSDR )
6110  neither Fana on 1750   Signal only from Tibetan RTV with typical music (x-check with Cyprus ) pass the TOH with music …
7110 no Ethiopia in any kSDR  they are supposed to be 16-18 Just noise otherwise or QMR from radio operators
6030  poss Oromiya  1758  and back 1703 but audio is too low  to be understood  -53 dbm in canaries just discernible talks, 

5995  No MALI on 0556
6000 RHC ? 0558  with news in English , Ghaza mentioned on 0557 UD on 055820  piano music on 0559 and a noiose jammer on 5998  -55dbm
6030 R Marti . ID 060050 “radio Marti presenta “ -55dbm
6050 food no signal from WLWA on 0600  Reduced program?
9700  mixed Cuban  spy station with  digital and female voice and VoT in tukrish -50
9665 V missionaries,  with adverts jingle on 0609:45  a song in English “I need a miracle “! -70dbm . the referred signals are from the peaks in the spectran as the S meter shows 10-15db higher values  

Συντάκτης: zachariasliangas

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