kSDR: 23/1

25900 BBC today 23/1 has been heard in the kSDR in Salonica , TWR Cyprus , S Italy (unnoticed ),  Brazilia  with marginal to very poor signal and finally in Concord USA with  -85dbm signal on 1602-1610
Finally head it again on 1757 in Concord with -65dbm with OM and YL discussing on Oscar nominations. In CY and GR  the signals were still marginal
5945  TRT in German 1830  vai the kSDR in Thessaloniki with -75dbm  S9 but full  noise , with news local and international. Transcript in Ge and English  here for the day newsletter http://simp.ly/p/Bl3K59
1287 via TWR Cyprus with news on ToH 1900 then with a short pray program for the dead people and a dedication from a soldier  Transcript here  http://simp.ly/p/Bl3K59
The above transcript also rthe news  form the R Iran international   5830 kHz on 1930z
5990 DRM mode form ?? station . no info on eibi  2026  with afro music , then talk in frecnh lag , TDF? , Though signal is -60dbm it still have a lot reception problems and very poor audio quality .  More than 30 db SNR via a SDR in the south of UK .
1557 Nashe Lenta 2027 with various news .  reception via Tambov with a -75 signal
6050 ELWA   2032 with a religious program in English then song on 2034 stopped in sudden -58dbm signal but there is some noise and  spurs  ID “E L W A “on 2035 then  airing songs while on  2055 carrier started from Xizang RTV This is the second time logging them but again via remote receiver !!! Via canaries SDR.
Signal seems to be quite strong though not so high SNR (noise at -80C)with nearly limited fading levels od 20 db  . What is the transmitter power or EIRP ?

Συντάκτης: zachariasliangas

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